(832) 506 3182


Política de Privacidad

Chirinos Tools Company LLC in the United States and Chirinos Tools of Canada Co. in Canada are part of the Chirinos Incorporated group of companies, (“Chirinos Group”) which processes your information. Chirinos Tools Company LLC and Chirinos Tools of Canada Co., respectively, are referred to as “we” in this privacy policy.

The protection of your personal information is an important concern to which we pay special attention.

This privacy policy answers frequently asked questions about the kinds of personal information we collect from you and how it is used.

Please note, the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for Chirinos Tools Company LLC in the United States and Chirinos Tools of Canada Co. in Canada only. Other companies within the Chirinos Group may have websites and products that collect and use different personal information. Additionally, if you link to or otherwise visit any other websites, please review the privacy policies posted on those sites.