Have you ever wondered what the difference is between conventional and synthetic oil? Did you know that you should choose the most suitable one according to the conditions of the vehicle?

When it comes to the products to be applied to the engine of our vehicles, price or popularity are not the right reasons to choose the right one. To ensure optimum engine performance, you must follow the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions and identify which type of oil is best suited. What is the function of motor oil for my vehicle?

In a general concept we can define motor oil as one of the essential elements for the proper functioning of vehicles, being this one in charge of carrying out functions that guarantee the performance and useful life of the engine, in addition:

  • Reduce friction and wear on parts
  • Avoid the accumulation of impurities, ensuring the cleanliness of the engine
  • Improve engine efficiency, power and performance
  • Ensures that the thermal and mechanical properties of each part prevent warping

Conventional and synthetic motor oils have multiple properties that allow them to fulfill the aforementioned functions, however, they have differences that are represented as advantages or disadvantages compared to them. So what is the difference between conventional and synthetic oil?

5 important differences between what is conventional and what is done in the world. Synthetic oil

Where do mineral and synthetic oils come from?

One of the main differences between these oils is where they come from. In the first case, conventional petroleum, also known as mineral oil, is generated from the distillation and refining of petroleum, while synthetic oil is a lubricant that is artificially manufactured, through chemical processes, in which it is modified the molecular structure of the raw material to adapt it to the needs of petroleum.

Synthetic oil molecules have a more uniform shape and contain fewer impurities than conventional oil molecules.

What oil would give my vehicle the best performance?

Synthetic motor oil represents higher performance compared to conventional oil. The latter is primarily intended for older or more basic mechanical vehicles. While synthetic motor oils have been primarily designed for modern cars that require higher engine power.

It is important to note that because of this difference, mineral oil is priced lower than synthetic oil.

Can temperature influence the performance of oil?

The answer is yes. Due to temperatures, oil performance can be affected, as reflected in the case of conventional motor oil, which is not recommended for high temperatures; Instead, synthetic oil offers better performance in extremely high or low temperatures, exerting better running performance and protection for engines.

What is the life of conventional and synthetic oil?

The useful life of synthetic oil has a greater advantage compared to conventional oil, it is capable of traveling more kilometers and lasting longer. But what is the best time frame for oil changes?

First of all, you should always take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer of your vehicle, and in addition to them, you could consider the following. Taking into account the conditions of the engine and the type of oil used, it is estimated that approximately six months or 5,000 kilometers for mineral oil, and a period of one year or approximately 10,000 kilometers for a synthetic oil change.

This change must be made considering any of the two named variables, time or mileage, whichever occurs first.

It’s important to perform oil changes at the right time to keep your engine performing in peak condition.

The oil, through the time of its operation, breaks down, consuming the additives and accumulating the by-products of oil combustion in the engine, so it is better to replace it and avoid damage.

We hope this information has been useful to you. If you have any questions about our products or services, do not hesitate to contact us, at CHIRINOS MOBILE AUTO STORE we will be happy to advise you and provide you with the necessary knowledge so that your vehicle, machine or workshop works at its maximum power.